Thieves and useless I was with these guys for several months but had way too many problems. The last straw was when they point blank told me they don't refund in bitcoin, even though my account was prepaid with bitcoin. When I asked them to return my account balance by any means possible, they simply ignored my requests.
Almost every month, when the invoices were due, Bitronic would deactivate my account and ask for payment even though my account balance was holding sufficient funds. At first they told me it was not automatic, until I showed them their own website saying it was automatic.
There were various extended outages, usually for many hours at a time. No warnings, no apologies, no explanations, zero. I had to pester them again and again just to get a response. On one single occasion they eventually replied with the shortest of sentences saying something failed. Again, no apologies, ever.
In my final month with Bitronic, there were two outages. The first was for more than 24 hours. As always, they had no concept of importance or urgency. The last outage, well, that was simply never fixed. Eventually they would respond and say it was fixed yet, in fact, it remained completely unreachable. Then a number of hours would go past and they would say, "try now".... and still it didn't work. I replied, again and again... created new tickets etc.. nothing.
On another occasion, I noticed that new customers were being offered the same VPS for much cheaper than me. I brought this to their attention and they said they wouldn't give me the same deal because that was simply for new customers. They offered to give me a "small" unspecified discount, which never happened.
There were other issues with Bitronic but, tbh, the list is just too long. I think I was very tolerant with them, some might say too tolerant.
Now I unable to recover my balance simply because they refuse to.... and actually, they're just plain not responding.. and yes, I was not rude to them. I write this hoping others do not fall prey to them. I'm a person of principle and I take theft, for any amount, seriously. I'm more than happy spending time and money to extract my revenge.