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Best Hosting Providers by HostAdvice Users
1 Best Overall
Bezproblémová a bezriziková 30-dňová záruka vrátenia peňazí
All-In-One webhosting s technickou podporou 24/7/365
Bezplatné SSL certifikáty, bezplatná migrácia, automatický inštalátor skriptov, inštalácia WordPressu jediným kliknutím a automatické zálohy
I've been hosting 6 websites with Zabec.net since 2009 and I would not move to any other hosting provider. My sites are quite small, so I'm on a shared server, but it's reliable, fast and the support is fantastic. A+
Having a great and reliable hosting provider is one of the most important things. Having Zabec.net as VPS provider makes my hosting experience carefree, because I know that I can to rely on their service. When I open support ticket I know that they will do their best to solve the problem as fast as they can. It usually takes them just a few minutes, and if there is something urgent they also have call support.
They are a small hard-working team of great people that will do their best to satisfy your needs.
I've been using their services for a few years now and all I can say is they are the best and I can recommend them to anyone that wants great hosting provider.
Stránka HostAdvice.com poskytuje profesionálne recenzie webhostingu, ktoré sú celkom nezávislé. Naše recenzie sú neskreslené, úprimné a uplatňujú rovnaké kritéria hodnotenia pre všetky posudzované subjekty.
Od spoločností, ktorých služby posúdime, dostaneme finančnú kompenzáciu. Táto kompenzácia nemá žiadny vplyv na priebeh recenzií alebo ich závery. Rovnako spoločnosti nemôžu ovplyvniť ani pozíciu v rebríčku webhostingových spoločností. Táto kompenzácia pokrýva náklady na honorár pre recenzentov, zakúpenie účtov a náklady na testovanie.